Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Athlone Sub Aqua Club November/December Newsletter

The club held its AGM in the Shamrock Lodge on the 2nd of November. The new committee for the coming year is as follows:

Committee 2008 – 2009

Chairman ------------------ Brian Duffy
Vice Chairman ----------- Cian Hynes
Diving Officer ----------- Damien Mellett
Training Officer --------- Liam Sherringham
Treasurer ----------------- Ger Craven
Secretary ----------------- Deborah Riley
Equipment Officer ------ Stewart McMickan
Fundraising Officer ----- Leo Reddy
P.R.O. --------------------- Aidan Henry
Competitions Officer ---- Jennifer Foy
Snorkeling Officer -------- Bernard Larkin
S/R Co-ordinator --- ------ Niall McHugh

Delegates --------- Brian Duffy and Stewart McMickan

Fees 2008-2009


The following subscriptions will apply for the coming year:

Member Type Cost in Euros
*New Trainee Adult Diver €390
Adult Diver €330
*New Trainee Student Diver €210
Junior/Student Diver €150
Adult Snorkeler € 100
Junior Snorkeler € 35
Associate Member € 25
Levy to fill Nitrox in 2008 € 20
*Includes €60 fee for CFT 1 star scuba course (i.e. starter pack, logbook and certification)

As always, the above fees need to be paid on or before 1st January 2009. If you are not fully paid up at this point then you are not covered to dive, use any club equipment or partake in training in the pool.

Fees will continue to be accepted after 1st January 2009. If however you pay after the 31st of March 2009 you will be obliged to pay an additional late fee of €50. This late fee is reduced to €25 for student divers.

As always please check our website for regular club updates and remember that club meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month in the clubhouse at 8pm sharp. These meetings provide club members with an opportunity to have a say in the running of the club.

Pool Sessions

The pool sessions are back up and running every Sunday afternoon from 12:30 till 2pm.
There will be NO pool sessions on the following: Sunday, 27th December 2008
Sunday, 3rd January 2009.
Sessions will resume on Sunday, 11th January 2009

Photo Competition

Plans are afoot to launch a Club Photo competition in the New Year. Dates, categories and any further information will be announced in the New Year so start looking through your photo libraries in preparation.

New Year Social

Celebrate the New Year with all your diving colleagues in Athlone Sub Aqua Club. Join us in the SNUG Bar for food and drinks on Saturday the 3rd of January 2009 at 9pm. All members are invited to attend and family and friends are as always more than welcome.

Please join us to welcome the New Year and start the year off in celebration.
The SNUG bar is located beside Pavarotti’s restaurant behind Athlone Castle.

Hoping to see you there!

Friday, December 05, 2008

New Years Social

Celebrate the new year with all your diving colleagues in Athlone Sub Aqua Club. Join us in the SNUG Bar for food and drinks on Saturday the 3rd of January 2009 at 9pm. All members are invited to attend and family and friend are as always more than welcome.

Please join us to welcome the new year and start the year off in celebration.

The SNUG bar is located beside Pavorottis restaurant behind Athlone Castle.

Hoping to see you there


Saturday, November 15, 2008

AGM Update Athlone Sub Aqua Club

Chairman ----------------------------------- Brian Duffy
Vice Chairman ------------------------------- Cian Hynes
Treasurer ----------------------------------- Ger Craven
Secretary --------------------------------------- Deborah O Reilly
Diving Officer -------------------------------- Damien Mellett
Training Officer ------------------------------- Liam Sherringham
Equipment Officer ---------------------------- Stewart McMickan
PRO ---------------------------------------------- Aiden Henry
Fundraising Officer -------------------------- Leo Reddy

Non Director Positions
Snorkeling Officer ---------------------------- Bernard Larkin
Competitions Officer ------------------------- Jennifer Foy
Club Delegates --------------- Brian Duffy and Stewart McMickan
Club Caretaker -------------------------------- Peter Chatterton

Niall McHugh has been appointed Search and Recovery Co-ordinator by the Diving Officer fot the forth comin year.

Club Member of the Year 2008
This year’s winner was Geraldine Fogarty. A well deserved winner and caps off a great year for Geraldine who also became a Leading diver in the last few months. Well done Geraldine

The fees for the coming year are as follows. The dive fees are now included in the annual subscription. This unanimous decision was taken at the AGM.

Membership Type
*New Trainee Adult Diver €390.00
Adult Diver €330.00
*New Trainee Junior / Student Diver €210.00
Junior / Student Diver €150.00
Adult Snorkeler €100.00
Junior Snorkeler €35.00
Associate Membership €25.00
Levy to fill Nitrox in 2008 €20.00
* Includes €60 fee for CFT 1star scuba course (i.e. starter pack, logbook and certification)

Fees paid after 31st March 2009 will be subject to a €50 levy for divers and €25 for snorklers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hi Folks

Pool training starts back this Sunday, Nov 2nd, at 12:30pm. Please bring along any spare gear you have to help out with any new members we could have. It would also be nice to have some Club divers and above at the pool to take any new members on a try-a-dive over the next few sessions and helping in the ongoing training.

The voting for the Member of the Year 2008 is now closed. Thanks to all who voted. The winner will be announced at the AGM on Sunday 2nd.

The club AGM is taking place on the same day, Nov 2nd, in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, starting at 3:30pm sharp. It would be nice to have as many members there as possible. Remember that the AGM is YOUR chance to elect who YOU think should be on the Committee and making decisions about how OUR club should be run.

Agenda includes the following items

Officers Reports
Financial Report
Member of the Year 2008
Officer Elections
Any other Business

Hope to see you at the Pool and the AGM


Friday, October 03, 2008

ASAC Member of the Year 2008

Hi Folks

Its that time of the year again when you get to vote on who you think should be "Athlone Sub Aqua Club Member of the Year 2008", things to consider are someone's overall contribution to the club, its activities and other members. The prize is a years free membership of the Club. Text your choice and your own name to me on 0868734935. There is only 3 rules, the person voting must be a fully paid up member of Athlone Sub Aqua Club, the person they are voting for must be in the club and only 1 vote per member.

Previous Winners include

2007 Ger Loughnane
2006 Robbie West

So please take the time to consider who should be rewarded for their contribution to the club over the last year and get texting. Closing date for texts is the 24th of October.



Tuesday, September 09, 2008


This years AGM has been set for the 2nd November 2008. It will take place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 3:30pm. The committee encourages all members to attend so as to give all members a say in how the club will progress. The agenda will be published in the near future but the meeting will include the Officers reports, Financial accounts, elections of the various committee positions and any other business.

Also the pool will start back on the same day, November 2nd, at the Regional sports centre swimming pool at 12:30pm, continuing each Sunday at the same time. All instructors and club divers are encouraged to turn up each Sunday and help out in the training of our members.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Athlone Sub Aqua
Members and Friends Family Day Out

This Sunday afternoon 7th September from 2pm

Harvest Festival Carrickedmond

Last Spring all of the Midland Sub Aqua Clubs were involved in an extensive search and recovery operation in the River Inny in the Kenagh-Ballymahon area. The local communities in acknowledgement of this have now come together to organise this Harvest Field Day whose sole purpose is to raise funds for the Sub Aqua Clubs involved.
Representatives of the various clubs involved have been attending recent meetings for the event and will be actively participating with stewarding on the day.

The Harvest Festival
Go back in time with Vintage Display and Working Field Day
Main attractions include
--Horse Harvesting Display --Vintage Tractor Harvesting
--Harvesting with Scythe --Threshing with Drum and Flail
--Harvesting with Reaping Hook --Roast Pig on a spit

Dancing with Music provided by Special guest Declan Nerney

This Sunday afternoon 7th September 2pm onwards

The weather forecast looks good so get out that straw hat and bonnet and join us.

Admission 10 euro and children are free

Harvest dance is in El Paso Bar, Kenagh, Sunday Night

Carrickedmond is only 3 miles from Ballymahon out the Edgewordstown road.

The Chairman and Committee of the Athlone Sub Aqua Club encourage all our members to support this admirable community iniative

Saturday, August 23, 2008

CFT Photo Competition

CFT Irsh Underwater Photographer of the Year 2008

Hi Folks

Its that time of year again, so trawl through all those photos you've taken over the season so far. Below are all the details.

1. Must be a cft member.
2. All images must be on CD
3. All images must be named, where taken and what category. Maximum of 3 images per person per category.
4. Entries should include name, address, phone number, CFT number and email address.
5. Closing Date 30/09/08

All entries to be sent to Subsea,CFT Irsh Underwater Photographer of the Year 2008, Irish Underwater Council, 78a Patrick Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin on or before 30/09/08.

Underwater Ireland
From the Boat
The Funniest

Good Luck




Contact Declan Walshe for further details.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer Newsletter

Limited Company
Confirmation has been received from the club’s solicitor that Athlone Sub Aqua Club is now incorporated as a limited company.

Clubhouse Development
Orders have been placed for new clubhouse furniture and computer equipment. It is expected that these items will be in place within the next four to six weeks

Club Clothing
The new range of clothing is still available from Alpha 1 print. They supply a large selection of Garments in many colours. They are located in Blyry Industrial Estate. Just drop in or give them a call on 0906417051 to place your order or check out their prices.

Club Monthly Meetings
The attendance levels at the Club monthly meetings have been extremely poor over the year so far. So far the March, April and July meetings have not taken place due to not having enough people to make a quorum. The club needs as much input as possible to help in its running and the more members that share their views and opinions the better it is for the Club as a whole. So if YOU want to ensure the club continues to succeed then please come down to the clubhouse on the first Wednesday of every Month at 8pm. There will be no meeting in August due to the club holiday so the next club monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday the 3rd of September.

Text Messaging
At this stage all members should be getting text messages from the club. If you are not receiving texts and are a fully paid up member then contact the secretary Cian Hynes and he will check the phone database for you.

Safety Cover
A big thanks to all who have helped out in all the recent raft race in Ballinasloe, the Debra Ireland swim in Coosan, the rowing regatta in Coosan point, all the Triathlone swim practices over the last few weeks and of course the Triathlone. All these events could not take place without Athlone Sub Aqua Club and all the members who took part. These events place the club in full view of the public and help us keep a good profile for all our fundraising events. Indeed we have received a huge amount of thanks from all organisations that run these events. Again thanks to all.

Well done to Colm O Reily and Kieran Kelly on passing their Cox'n test and to Michael Toohey and Dominik Kirf on passing their club diver recently.

Clubhouse Keys
Members should be aware that the locks of the clubhouse have been changed.
It was decided at club monthly meeting on June 4th, to update and replace all clubhouse keys. This is taking place due to the need for increased security around the clubhouse. A lot of money has been spent in the recent past and in order to protect that investment all keys will be replaced.
There have been a large number of keys given out to members over the last 5 years and unfortunately there is no complete record of who has keys and who has not. Pauric Hynes is collecting all old keys.
Keys are available from Pauric Hynes. Each key will cost 15 euros and are only available to Fully paid up members of Club diver level or above. If a member leaves the club or their membership lapses for longer than a season then the key must be returned, the 15euro fee will be refunded

Clubhouse Barrier
The use of the clubhouse barrier has again become a matter of concern in recent times. It has been repeatedly left open by members, which is allowing non-members to access the clubhouse. It has caused the slipway to be blocked up by non-members and non-members cars parked on the clubhouse grounds.So please, if you are entering the clubhouse, even for just a few minutes, close the barrier down behind you. If you are last out of the clubhouse then close and lock the barrier as you leave. Hopefully we can eliminate the amount of non-members using the clubhouse as a car park and blocking up the slipway.

Dive Fees
As all members know, the club agreed a policy of prepaying for all dives before each member commences diving at the AGM in November 2007. However some members have dived without yet making this payment. Members who haven’t yet paid will be stopped from diving at the club weekends away. The DO has a record of all dives done so far this season so members who have dived are encouraged to pay this fee as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of being stopped from diving on their weekends away. Students are exempt.

Dive Program
Below is the dive program for the next few months. As always these venues can be changed due to weather and availability of Diving Officers.

July 19th - 20th Inishboffin
July 26th - 27th Killary
Aug 2nd - 4th Ballinskelligs
Aug 5th - 7th Allihies
Aug 8th - 10th Baltimore
Aug 16th - 17th Skerd Rocks Roundstone
Aug 23rd - 24th Achill Island
Aug 27th - 30th Isle of Man
Aug 31st Kilkee
Sep 6th - 7th Doolin
Sept 13th - 14th Kilmore Quay
Sept 20th - 21 Stags of Broadhaven
Sept 27th - 28th Kilkee
Oct 4th - 5th Kilkee
Oct 11th - 12th Teelin
Oct 18th - 19th Strangford Lough
Oct 25th - 27th Not Decided yet

Any queries on the above dive program contact Diving Officer Colm O Reily



Club Holiday 2008

Hi all

The club holiday this year will start on the 2nd of August the bank holiday weekend in Ballinskelligs, mid week in allihies and finish in Baltimore for the 9th. I have provisionally booked two dives for that day with Aqua adventure dive centre at a cost of 65 per diver. The first dive been the U260 and the second yet to be decided the tide will be perfect this day for this dive. I need names of people interested in doing these dives and money up front before i confirm the booking. All divers must have membership and dive fees fully paid up. I cannot accept names or money unless this is done. Also all divers must be active and dived up to the depth of 40m at the time of the dive. Unfortunately there can be no refund for anyone not dived up or not active at the time of the dive.

Please reply if interested and i will need money and names before Friday.

Colm O' Reilly
Diving Officer

For anymore details contact Colm on 086 1019131


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well done to Colm O Reily and Kieran Kelly on passing their cox'n test and to Michael Toohey and Dominik Kirf on passing their club diver at the weekend.

Well done lads.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Clubhouse Keys

Hi Members

It was decided at the last club monthly meeting, June 4th, to update and replace all clubhouse keys. This is taking place due to the need for increased security around the clubhouse. A lot of money has been spent in the recent past and in order to protect that investment all keys will be replaced.

There has been a large number of keys given out to members over the last 5 years and unfortunately there is no complete record of who has keys and who has not. Pauric Hynes is collecting all current keys and new keys will be issued over the next few weeks.

Keys are available from Pauric Hynes. Each key will cost 15 euros and are only available to Fully paid up full members of Club diver level or above. If a member leaves the club or their membership lapses for longer than a season then the key must be returned, the 15 euro fee will be refunded.



Clubhouse Barrier

Hi Folks

The use of the clubhouse barrier has again become a matter of concern in recent times. It has been repeatedly left open by members which is allowing non-members to access the clubhouse. It has caused the slipway to be blocked up by non-members and non-members cars parked on the clubhouse grounds.

So please, if you are entering the clubhouse, even for just a few minutes, then close the barrier down behind you. If you are last out of the clubhouse then close and lock the barrier as you leave. Hopefully we can eliminate the amount of non-members using the clubhouse as a carpark and blocking up the slipway.



Dive Gear for sale

Hi there
I have some diving gear I purchased 5 or 6 years ago and never used, so I've decided to sell it to someone who will. Some was new and some I bought secondhand. Photos available from Cian or at the email address below. I am almost 6 foot so thats the size the wet suit fits, its 6.5mm thick, there's also a 4mm wet suit. The regulator, knife, mask, snorkel and torch were never used, still in their original boxes.

I think I paid over 1000 when I got this stuff, for the lot but I'm hoping for 350. Let me know if anyone is interested. I live in Mullingar.

All the best

087 9952347 gerryodoherty@gmail.com


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Midland Regional Dinner Dance

The RDO, Ger Craven is organizing a regional pre-season dinner dance for all midland clubs in the Hudson Bay Hotel, on the 19th April, with live music followed by DJ.

Please contact Geraldine Fogarty on 087 1353778 for tickets, there is a limited number available.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Upcoming Diver Emergency Responder Course

On Sunday the 9th of March, the Diver Emergency Responder course will be run in Lough Ree SAC. The course is been organized and run by Dolphin SAC. There are limited spaces available so please contact your Training Officer Ger Loughnane to ensure that you are included.
This course is the new version of the Diver Medic course and includes AED training.

Ger C

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

CFT Medicals update

Medical Commission Report January 2008

CFT has had a well functioning medical assessment system for many years. Why change it in 2008? The reasons include:
There is increasing evidence and experience in other diving organisations from which we can learn.
It is important that our medical assessment process is linked to health standards that reflect international best practise.
While diving in Ireland is safely enjoyed by thousands of divers, we have sad experience of deaths and other serous incidents some of which may have been influenced by underlying health problems.
At the November 2007 CFT Delegate Meeting in Enniscrone, there was agreement that a new medical assessment system would be implemented. The main objectives of the changes are to ensure that:
CFT divers meet a minimum standard of fitness. This may well be as good a measure of health status as some of the more traditional medical checks.
The expense and administrative difficulties created by the medical assessment system are minimised and that we focus on those activities that are most likely to be beneficial.
That a robust system of regular reviews is put in place that includes self-assessment questionnaires, medical examinations and specialist reviews as required.
A transparent system of medical standards is available to divers and doctors alike.
All of us, as responsible divers, take full responsibility for ensuring that we are fit and well enough to dive safely.

The medical assessment system from 2008

The key parts of the medical assessment will now include:
Fitness test
This will be taken by every active diver every year. The test may be done in the pool (swimsuit) or at sea (wetsuit, fins and mask). It will require a swim of 200m and either a length underwater (pool) or a duck dive to 3m (sea). The test will be organised by the club Diving Officer or his/her nominee and the result (pass or fail) will be reported to Head Office. A more detailed outline of the test will be circulated within the coming months.

Self-assessment questionnaire

This will be completed by every diver annually. The questionnaire will be confidential and returned directly to the Chair of the CFT Medical Commission, a Registered Medical Practitioner. The only information forwarded to CFT Head Office will be a statement from the Medical Commission that a diver is cleared to dive or is not cleared to dive.
The questionnaire will ask about familiar health risks, about the date of your last medical and ask for permission for any issues that arise to be clarified with your doctor.
It is important to stress that the ‘wrong’ answer to a question does not immediately exclude you from diving. Many such issues may simply require clarification with you and/or your doctor. It is essential that all of us complete these forms fully and honestly, if diving safety is to be ensured.

Medical Assessment
An assessment by your own doctor will be required when you join CFT, when you reach age 35 and three yearly until age 55. After age 55, the assessments will be carried out annually. Chest X-rays, ECGs and other investigations will be at the discretion of the examining doctor. The main focus of these assessments will be on the important general risk factors such as heart, lung or neurological diseases or medicines that may create risks. When specific diving related issues are identified, they may require further specialist assessment.


Implementing the changes

The 2007 AGM has approved these changes. During 2008, CFT divers will be asked to comply with the fitness tests and self-assessment questionnaires; the frequency of assessments by your doctor will change in 2008 and the health standards will be implemented. From 2009, it is likely that CFT will require compliance with all of these procedures for any applicant to hold active diver status with the organisation.
In summary
From 2008, CFT divers will be asked to complete a fitness test and confidential medical assessment each year together with a medical assessment by their own GP which will be less frequent than in the past. Easily accessible health standards will provide benchmarks against which divers and doctors can assess the potential effects of health problems on their suitability to dive.
The full report is available in the Winter / Spring 2008 issue of SubSea



Friday, February 08, 2008

Sunday, February 03, 2008



January to February 2008

Regional Diving Officer
The Clubs treasurer, and former Diving Officer, Ger Craven has recently been appointed by CFT to the position of Regional Diving Officer for the Midlands Region. Ger’s appointment to this prestigious position is testimony to his overall expertise and the many year’s dedicated service that he given to promoting diving in Athlone Sub Aqua Club and the wider Midlands region. The club wish to congratulate Ger on his appointment as Regional Diving Officer for the Midlands Region and wish him every success in the role.

Member’s subscriptions are now overdue since 1st January 2008. If you have not yet fully paid your subscription fee then you are not covered to dive, use any club equipment or take any part in training in the pool. The following subscription fee rates apply for 2008:

Member Type and Subscription Fee

Adult Diver €230
Student Diver €150
Senior Snorkeler €100
Junior Snorkeler €70
Associate Member €25

Family membership will be adjusted accordingly.

Members choosing to pay their fees before 31st March 2008 will have to pay the above subscription rates only. If however you pay your subscription fee after the 31st of March 2008 you will be obliged to pay an additional late fee of €50. This late fee is reduced to €25 for student divers.

It is not the intention of the club to generate additional funding through imposing this late fee. Its purpose is to encourage members to pay subscriptions early in order to improve the clubs overall cash flow situation.

CFT are coming down hard on medicals. No member will be registered until head office has been given their medical date and date of birth. So if you are due a medical you’ll need to get it done before you can be registered. The club’s DO will be contacting divers whose medical is out of date according to the clubs file.

Dive Fees
It was decided at the AGM in November 2007 to revise the system by which divers pay for their dives. The €10 ‘pay as you dive’ fee is no longer an option. Instead any adult member wishing to dive must pay a dive fee of €100. This fee will cover all your dives for the season. The fee must be paid before you commence diving for the season. This fee will not apply to student divers and divers under 18 years of age. Student divers and divers under 18 years of age will continue to dive for free.

Clubhouse Development
Installation of the clubs new gas heating system and additional shower units is now complete. The club, over the next few weeks, intends to refurbish its lecture and meeting rooms and office facilities. A clean up of the clubhouse was held recently. Thanks to Jim Campbell who organised this.

Just under 4,000 Euros was raised from fund raising activities carried out by the club

Golden Island Shopping Centre Collection (24th November 2007)
Bag Packing, Dunnes Stores, Montree (29th Nov to 1st Dec 2007)

The club has also recently received a €2,000 grant from Westmeath Sports Partnership and a €800 contribution from the Court Poor Box

Club Social Night
A New Year Party was held on Saturday 12th January 2008 in Gertie Brownes. This event, which was organised by Geraldine Fogarty, was well attended by members and their partners and friends and supporters of Athlone Sub Aqua Club. An enjoyable night was had by all.

Operational Plan
The Committee recently approved an operational plan which sets out its objectives for the coming year. The committee will monitor progress against these objectives on an on-going basis. A copy of this plan is available to any club member from the Chairman or the Secretary

Club Policies and Procedures

The Club intend to adopt the following policies and procedures at its February 2008 Committee meeting:

Child Protection Policy
Social Integration Policy
Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure
Policy on Issuing Statements to the Media

Monthly Meetings
Members are reminded that Club Members Meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month from 8pm sharp to 9pm. All members are entitled and encouraged to attend these Club Members Meetings so that their views and opinions can be taken into consideration at meetings of the Club’s Committee. The Club’s Committee also meet on the first Wednesday of every month immediately following the Clubs Members Meeting

Dive Season
The dive program for the year is currently being drawn up. If there is somewhere you think the club should visit in the coming year then contact the Diving Officer Colm O Reilly.

Web Site Address
Members are informed that the club’s web page can now be accessed through www.diveathlone.com.

