Monday, June 08, 2009

Newsletter March to May 2009

Athlone Sub Aqua Club March to May 2009 Newsletter

Equipment Checks

Now that the dive season has finally arrived its time to re-locate your diving gear!

Remember! The kit fairy tends to visit every winter and move things around. So if you can’t find a fin or two be patient. All will turn up eventually (hopefully sometime before the end of October!!).

Also, don’t forget too, that having reacquainted yourself with your gear, check that it is still in working order. The fact that your regulator was delivering more air than water the last time it was used does not mean that it is fine now!

Seriously though, now that many of us are getting ready to dive for the first time this season, please ensure that your gear is serviced and up to the task of diving. It is vitally important to take a little time out to check out dive equipment to ensure all is well before commencing diving for the season.

Clubhouse Development

An alarm system has been installed in the clubhouse in order to safeguard the club’s premises and equipment. Members will be informed as to when this system will be becoming operational. A coffee dock is also in the process of being installed in the meeting room. Development work on the interior of the clubhouse is almost complete apart from a number of minor items.

It is proposed to hold an Open Night in the summer. This will be an opportunity for the club to publicly acknowledge the Inland Waterways Association (Athlone Branch), who generously supported this project, and to show the Athlone town’s folk the good works that have been done during the last year.


For our newest members please remember that €100.00 dive fees are now due! This should be paid as soon as possible. This can be given to either the DO or Club Secretary.


Fund raising took place with bag packing in Tesco and Church Gate collections.

The Fund Raising Committee would like to express a special word of thanks to all members, and parents of members, who helped on the day of bag packing in Tesco. Thanks also to the 3 youth volunteers and their parents who came all the way from Moate at 10am and were sent home due to very few tills been operated in the morning. Thanks also to Bernard Larkin who helped in recruiting our younger members for the operation.

Many thanks go to Declan Walsh and Leo Reddy for organising these events.


Grant applications have been submitted to the following organisations for a number of small projects:

  • Westmeath County Council
  • Roscommon County Council
  • Westmeath Sports Partnership

Unfortunately, due to the present economic climate, it does not appear that there will be a Lottery Grants Scheme this year. It is also reasonable to assume that the country’s present economic difficulties will continue to have severe implications for the club for the foreseeable future. Without substantial grant funding the club’s capacity to invest in new equipment, such as replacing one of the club’s RIB’s, is going to be severely hampered.

The club will therefore have to become more self sufficient in its ability to generate funding. With this in mind the club intend organising a major fundraising event later in the year. A proposal being examined is a Benefit Night to be held in Mullingar Greyhound Stadium.

Members will be kept informed of developments!

Web Site

Athlone Sub Aqua Club has engaged the services of a web designer to produce a web site for the club. This site will include a wide range of features including pages on joining the club, training, diving, search and recovery, frequently asked questions, club news, archive, gallery, documents and a members forum. It is expected that this web site will be in operation by the end of June.
Extraordinary General Meeting

In accordance with the advice received from the club’s accountants a resolution was passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 6th May 2009 to transfer the clubs assets and liabilities into the name of Athlone Sub Aqua Club Ltd. This resolution was necessary in order finalise some financial details concerned with the club operating as limited company.

Club Trainees 2009

The club would like to welcome and congratulate all trainees who have completed their required snorkels and are ready and eager to dive. Wednesday night training is in full swing so keep up the good work being done.

Junior Snorkels

Congratulations and well done to all our juniors who did very well in their pool tests in April. Activities are being organised for during the summer and all will be notified accordingly.

Rescue Diver Training

Rescue Diver Training is ongoing, lifts etc are being done. Victor Cooney, from Roscommon, held a Rescue Diver Course, refresher & upgrade in the clubhouse on Saturday, 23rd May 2009. Daryas from Mullingar was on hand too to help out. There was a good turnout by members from Athlone and surrounding clubs. The Rescue Diver test is coming up and will be held in Mullingar on the 7th June 2009.

Best of luck to all concerned!

Regional Testing

Testing for Coxan and Club Diver will take place in Teelin, Co Donegal on the weekend of 26th June 2009. If you have all the required dives needed and the hours logged up and are interested in being tested please contact Geraldine Fogarty. If this weekend doesn’t suit then don’t worry, another testing weekend will be held towards the end of the season on 10th October 2009.

Leading Diver

Our Leading Diver trainees are training hard and attending lectures. They are working hard on their fitness and stamina training and are looking forward to completing their pre-reqs and written exams in June 2009 and practical exams, which take place in September 2009.

Cover Needed

Cover will be needed for the following events:

  • 13th June 2009 - Boat Club, Regatta
  • 14th June 2009 – Family Day Fundraiser in Balinasloe and Viking Mike, Athlone Day
  • 16th June 2009 - Coosan Point, Charity Swim in aid of “Friends of Michael Hanley Leukaemia Fund”
  • 18th July 2009 - Tri Athlone

All help will be very much appreciated, so if you can, please let us know.


This competition did not take place as previously advertised so it was decided to hold off until the end of the dive season. Results will be announced at the AGM in November 2009.

So come on everybody, get clicking and show us what a great dive season you had this year!!! You have all summer (ahem!!) to get the perfect picture.


The A.S.A.C Photography Competition 2009 is open to paid-up Club Members only. All images must be digital and submitted on CD. Print and slide film images may be scanned to disc as a digital image.

The three categories are: Underwater Ireland, Funniest, and Diving Abroad

All images must be captioned (category, title of image, and where taken). The maximum entry is 3 images per person, per category.

Copyright of the image remains with the photographer. All entries should include name, address, and phone number and email address.

All entries must be posted to the A.S.A.C Clubhouse or handed in at any Club Members Monthly Meeting.

Closing date T.B.C.

Dive Schedule for 2009

Dive Weekend - Dive Location - Diving Officer
14/03/2009 - Kilkee Liam - Sherringham
25/04/2009 - Shannon - Geraldine Fogarty
02/05/2009 - Kilkee - Geraldine Fogarty
09/05/2009 - Kilkee(Cancelled) - Colm O’Reilly
16/05/2009 - Johns Point - Aiden Henry
23/05/2009 - Kilkee - Colm O’Reilly
30/05/2009 - Achill - Aiden Henry
06/06/2009 - Johns Point - Colm O’Reilly
13/06/2009 - Kilkee - Brian Duffy
20/06/2009 - Ballycastle Mayo - Ger Loughnane
27/06/2009 - Teelin - Ger Loughnane
04/07/2009 - Kilkee - Brian Duffy
11/07/2009 - Lacken - Colm O’Reilly
18/07/2009 - Tri-Athlone
25/07/2009 - Inisboffin - Aiden Henry
01/08/2009 - Ballycastle N I - Geraldine Fogarty
08/08/2009 - Ballycastle N I - Ger Loughnane
15/08/2009 - Johns Point - Geraldine Fogarty
22/08/2009 - Lambay Is - Ger Loughnane
29/08/2009 - Kilkee - Stewart McMickan
30/08/2009 - Kilkee - Bernard Larkin
05/09/2009 - Kilmore Quay - Aiden Henry
12/09/2009 - Aran Is - Stewart McMickan
19/09/2009 - Ballycastle Mayo - Ger Loughnane
26/09/2009 -Baltimore - Colm O’Reilly
03/10/2009 - Connemara - Aiden Henry
10/10/2009 - Killary - Ger Loughnane
17/10/2009 - TBA - Brian Duffy
24/10/2009 - TBA - Ger Loughnane
31/10/2009 - TBA - TBA
07/11/2009 - TBA - TBA

*** Please Note***

This program is weather dependent and subject to change. Members will be notified of any changes by text beforehand. Anyone planning to travel should contact the DO or DOD before travelling. A full detailed list will be available on the notice board in the clubhouse.


Congratulations to Ger and Fiona on the birth of their new baby boy, Cian Craven.


Well done to Ger Loughnane who is now an M2.

As always please check our website for regular club updates and remember that club meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month in the clubhouse at 8pm sharp. These meetings provide club members with an opportunity to have a say in the running of the club.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Regional Dinner Dance 2009

The Regional Dinner Dance will be held on the 8th May 2009, at 8pm in the Percy French Hotel, Strokestown, Co Roscommon. A bus from Athlone will be laid on. Band and DJ have been booked. Tickets are €40 each.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Dive Season Begins.. 2009

Hi All,

First dive of the year takes place this weekend, 14th and 15th March in Kilkee. Experienced divers only. The club van will be leaving early Saturday morning. Dominik Kirf will be driving. The DOD for the weekend is Liam Sherringham. Contact the Diving Officer for any further details.

The pool session will be on Sunday morning as usual.

Have a great St Patrick's weekend!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Directions to Dive Ireland 2009

Dive Ireland 2009 show takes place on 7th & 8th March in Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co Dublin. For more information check out

Directions to Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney.

Route: Lucan Road to Fitzpatrick Castle
Lucan Road
Get on Lucan Road and drive east
Enter roundabout
Take the M50 ramp to the left towards Southbound
Keep right onto M50 towards Southbound
Keep right onto M50 towards Southbound/Dun Laoghaire
Take exit 16 to the left onto R118 towards Cherrywood/Loughlinstown
Enter roundabout Roundabout
Take the 2nd left onto R118
Keep right towards N11/Wexford
Turn right onto Road
Turn left onto Military Road
Turn left onto Killiney Hill Road
Enter roundabout
Take the 1st left onto Killiney Hill Road
Turn right onto Road
Fitzpatrick Castle

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Midlands Regional Events 2009

Midlands Regional Events 2009

Regional Event – Location - Contact - Organizer - Date
Leading Diver Brief – Athlone - Ger Craven - Ger Craven - Wednesday February 18th

Nitrox & Nitrox Instructors - Athlone - Ger Craven - D Rossiter - Friday February 20th

VHF Course – Mullingar - Ger Craven - Ger Craven - Saturday February 28th

Coxan - Lough Ree - Frank Casey - Frank Casey - Sunday March 1st

Search and Recovery – Longford - Brendan Flanagan - Brendan Flanagan - Saturday March 14th

Coxan Instructor - Athlone - Ger Craven - D Rossiter - Saturday March 21st

Diver Emergency Responder – Roscommon - Brendan Foy - Brendan Foy - Saturday April 18th

Rescue Diver – Mullingar - Neil Egerton - Neil Egerton - Saturday April 25th

Rescue Diver Test – Mullingar - Ger Craven - Jury Co-ordinator - Sunday June 7th

Leading Diver Theory & Pre reqs – Various - Ger Craven - Jury Co-ordinator - Saturday June 13th

Leading Diver Theory Re-sit – Various - Ger Craven - Jury Co-ordinator - Saturday June 20th

Regional Testing - Club/Coxan – Teelin - Ger Craven - Ger Craven - Saturday June 27th

Leading Diver Practical Test - Not set - Ger Craven - Jury Co-ordinator - 4 Weekends in September

Regional Testing - Club/Coxan - Killary Fjord - Ger Craven - Ger Craven - Saturday October 10th

* Any other courses can be run on demand, if there is insufficient numbers, places can be found on courses run in other regions.
* Leading Diver candidates must have the Coxan, DER and rescue courses completed before attending the pre-req's on June 13th.

Trainee ** €35.00, Leading Diver €120.00, National €15.00, M1 €120.00, M2 €60.00, M3 €250.00, Rescue €60.00, Coxan €60.00, V.H.F €120.00, Nitrox €80.00, Gas Blending €50.00, Junior/Intermediate/Senior Snorkel €2.00, Search and Recovery €20.00, Diver Emergency Responder €40.00, Extended Range €80.00

LectureTimetable 2008/2009


Introduction to Course and CFT. Hand Signals – Wednesday, 14 Jan 2009, 8 00 PM
Instructor - Aidan Henry

Decompression, Introduction to Dive Physics – Sunday, 18 Jan 2009 @ 10.30
Instructors - Gerard Loughnane, Aidan Henry

Diving Equipment – Sunday, 25 Jan 2009 @ 10.00
Instructor - Aidan Henry

Effects of Pressure, Out of Air, Dive Tables, Buoyancy, Gas Laws – Saturday, 31 Jan 2009 @ 9.30
Instructors - Liam Sherringham, Ger Craven, Derry McMahon

Burst Lung, Hypothermia – Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 @ 10.30
Instructor - Peter Cairns

Ears and Sinuses, Hypoxia, Anoxia and Drowning, CPR – Saturday, 7 Feb 2009 @ 10.30
Instructors - Gerard Loughnane, Brian Duffy

Small Boat Diving, The Sea – Sunday, 8 Feb 2009 @ 10.30
Instructor - Liam Sherringham

Respiration and Circulation, Dive Computers – Sunday, 15 Feb 2009 @ 10.30
Instructors - Gerard Loughnane, Brian Duffy

Regs and Cylinders, Dive Planning - Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 @ 10.30
Instructor - Derry McMahon

Night Diving, Marine Life 1 & 2, Dry Suits – Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 @10.30
Instructors - Ger Craven, Liam Sherringham

DIVE SHOW - Fitzpatrick Hotel Killiney - Sat/Sun 7&8 March ‘09
TEST - Sunday 22 March 2009 @ 10.30

Instructors subject to change.
Please give Training Officer notice if you cannot attend any of the lectures.
NOTE All lectures are needed for your Club Diver.

Newsletter January/February 2009

Athlone Sub Aqua Club January/February 2009 Newsletter

Appointment of New Directors

As you may be aware, changes were made to the line up of Directors that were voted in at the AGM held in November 2008. The new appointment of Directors took place at the Directors meeting held 28th January 2009. We now have a full committee again. One nomination was received for each position. The new Directors are welcomed and thanked for taking up these positions.

The new Directors as follows:

Vice Chairman ----------- June Robbins
Diving Officer ----------- Geraldine Fogarty
Training Officer --------- Ger Loughnane


There is a new process for registration with CFT online. An open day was held on Saturday, 21st February. If any member without Internet access missed this opportunity to register please contact either the Diving Officer or the Club Secretary. Another time that suits can be arranged.

Please remember that fees are due! Any members paying after the 31st of March 2009 will be obliged to pay an additional late fee of €50. This late fee is reduced to €25 for student divers.


Good progress in pool training is being made. We have 8 new trainee divers. Lectures are in full swing and all should be completed by Sunday, 8th March 2009. Ger Loughnane would like to extend his thanks to all the instructors for the effort made in getting these lectures completed. Their hard work is appreciated.

Junior Snorkels

A meeting was held on Sunday, 15th February at 2.30pm in the Clubhouse for all new Junior Snorkels and their parents. This was an opportunity for the parents and juniors to be introduced to the Child Liaison Officers for this coming year, Geraldine Fogarty and Cian Hynes. It was also a chance for the parents to be briefed as to what the club is about and what it expects from its members both adult and junior alike. Copies of the Child Protection Policy Document were handed out and these are to be signed and returned to the club. It is hoped to bring the juniors on day trips during the year. Bernard Larkin, Junior Snorkel Officer, advised that all juniors were great and doing well in training. We would like to extend our thanks to those parents/guardians who turned up. Our juniors are important to our club!


The first dive of the year (Yeehaw!) will be taking place in Kilkee, the weekend of the 14th March 2009. This dive is for experienced divers only. The hostel in Kilkee will be available. All divers attending this weekend must ensure that the following is in place: Fitness to dive, In date Medical, Self-Assessment & fully paid up membership. If you are not dived up three snorkels have to be done before this weekend. Call down to the club house any Saturday morning to get these done. The Diving Officer, Geraldine Fogarty can be contacted on 086 8216670.



The A.S.A.C Photography Competition 2009 is open to paid-up Club Members only. All images must be digital and submitted on CD. Print and slide film images may be scanned to disc as a digital image.

The three categories are: Underwater Ireland, Funniest, and Diving Abroad

All images must be captioned (category, title of image, and where taken). The maximum entry is 3 images per person, per category.

Copyright of the image remains with the photographer. All entries should include name, address, and phone number and email address.

All entries must be posted to the A.S.A.C Clubhouse or handed in at the March Club Monthly Meeting.

Closing date 20.03.2009. Entries will not be accepted after this date.

Any Other Business?

On Wednesday 18th February, the Leading Diver brief took place at the clubhouse. There are two candidates from Athlone, Colm O’Reilly and Dominic Kirf. Two candidates from Mullingar and Three candidates from Lough Ree. Best of luck to all concerned.

The Nitrox course has been deferred until a later date. The new date will be confirmed and members informed accordingly.

Dive Ireland 2009 show takes place on 7th & 8th March in Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co Dublin. For more information check out A timetable for Trainee Diver and Club Diver lectures is also available on Sunday from Ger Loughnane.

The RNLI collection takes place on the 7th March – volunteers as usual are needed. Collection will take place in Dunnes of Montree only.

Congratulations to Jenny Foy on her recommendation received for her photograph printed in the Sub Sea winter issue 2008/2009.

As always please check our website for regular club updates and remember that club meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month in the clubhouse at 8pm sharp. These meetings provide club members with an opportunity to have a say in the running of the club.

Welcome to season 2009!