Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Athlone Sub Aqua Club November/December Newsletter

The club held its AGM in the Shamrock Lodge on the 2nd of November. The new committee for the coming year is as follows:

Committee 2008 – 2009

Chairman ------------------ Brian Duffy
Vice Chairman ----------- Cian Hynes
Diving Officer ----------- Damien Mellett
Training Officer --------- Liam Sherringham
Treasurer ----------------- Ger Craven
Secretary ----------------- Deborah Riley
Equipment Officer ------ Stewart McMickan
Fundraising Officer ----- Leo Reddy
P.R.O. --------------------- Aidan Henry
Competitions Officer ---- Jennifer Foy
Snorkeling Officer -------- Bernard Larkin
S/R Co-ordinator --- ------ Niall McHugh

Delegates --------- Brian Duffy and Stewart McMickan

Fees 2008-2009


The following subscriptions will apply for the coming year:

Member Type Cost in Euros
*New Trainee Adult Diver €390
Adult Diver €330
*New Trainee Student Diver €210
Junior/Student Diver €150
Adult Snorkeler € 100
Junior Snorkeler € 35
Associate Member € 25
Levy to fill Nitrox in 2008 € 20
*Includes €60 fee for CFT 1 star scuba course (i.e. starter pack, logbook and certification)

As always, the above fees need to be paid on or before 1st January 2009. If you are not fully paid up at this point then you are not covered to dive, use any club equipment or partake in training in the pool.

Fees will continue to be accepted after 1st January 2009. If however you pay after the 31st of March 2009 you will be obliged to pay an additional late fee of €50. This late fee is reduced to €25 for student divers.

As always please check our website for regular club updates and remember that club meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month in the clubhouse at 8pm sharp. These meetings provide club members with an opportunity to have a say in the running of the club.

Pool Sessions

The pool sessions are back up and running every Sunday afternoon from 12:30 till 2pm.
There will be NO pool sessions on the following: Sunday, 27th December 2008
Sunday, 3rd January 2009.
Sessions will resume on Sunday, 11th January 2009

Photo Competition

Plans are afoot to launch a Club Photo competition in the New Year. Dates, categories and any further information will be announced in the New Year so start looking through your photo libraries in preparation.

New Year Social

Celebrate the New Year with all your diving colleagues in Athlone Sub Aqua Club. Join us in the SNUG Bar for food and drinks on Saturday the 3rd of January 2009 at 9pm. All members are invited to attend and family and friends are as always more than welcome.

Please join us to welcome the New Year and start the year off in celebration.
The SNUG bar is located beside Pavarotti’s restaurant behind Athlone Castle.

Hoping to see you there!

Friday, December 05, 2008

New Years Social

Celebrate the new year with all your diving colleagues in Athlone Sub Aqua Club. Join us in the SNUG Bar for food and drinks on Saturday the 3rd of January 2009 at 9pm. All members are invited to attend and family and friend are as always more than welcome.

Please join us to welcome the new year and start the year off in celebration.

The SNUG bar is located beside Pavorottis restaurant behind Athlone Castle.

Hoping to see you there
