Friday, November 09, 2007

Fundraising events

2 funraising events are to happen in the next few weeks. On November 24th the club are having a collection at the Golden Island Shopping Centre.

On November 28th, 29th and Dec 1st there is a bag packing fundraiser in Dunnes Stores Montree in aid of the club.

Both of the above events are a major source of income for the club and need to be well supported.

The fundraising committee has allocated a timeslot for every member of the club. In order to find out your time please contact Pauric on 0872730412.

It is essential that all club members do their share of fundraising. There is over 100 members in the club yet its the same 10 or 15 members who do all the fundraising. These fundraising events help to KEEP SUBS LOW.